Installation Business: The Festival of St John and the Installation of the Master Elect: Bro Ian Duncan
Eastern Area Masonic News
Richmond Lodge 1011
Meeting Business: To Open the Lodge To read and confirm the minutes of the last regular meeting Passing Due Bro Nathan Randles. Almoners report. District Representative report. Directors report To Collect Alms. To transact any other Masonic business. To close the...
Crompton Lodge 8879
Meeting Business: To Read By-Laws 5 to 10. To Read Antient Charge No.6 Part 1 and 2.
Werneth Lodge 6163
Meeting BUSINESS: WBro Harvey Taylor to give a demonstration of The Walking Charge.
Palatine Lodge 2447
Installation Business: Installation of the Master Elect W.Bro. John P. Murphy by Past Masters of the Lodge.
Imperial George Lodge 78
Solidarity Lodge 7885
Meeting Business: To receive a Presentation and Explanation of the Tracing Board of the First Degree to be delivered by Brother Alan Thorpe
Lodge Of Benevolence 226
Meeting Business: To receive a Lecture by WBro John Fay, PProvSGD (Candour Lodge No 337 in the West Riding of Yorkshire) entitled ‘Columns and Pillars’ .
Liberty Lodge 5573
Meeting Business: A Talk on the benefits of Charity given by WBro’s J Taylor ProvGrand Charity Stwd and R Perks PProv Stwd
Langley Lodge 3989
Installation Business: The Installation of Bro George William Arthur Bylett. JW, Master Elect