
Area Visit to Stanley Lodge 2917

Tonight the Eastern Area Team visited Stanley Lodge at Middleton Masonic Hall, to join WM Bro Richard Booth in leading his lodge in the last full meeting prior to installing his successor next month.

The lodge tyled promptly at 6:15pm, and business was conducted in due form. Tonight the brethren of Stanley lodge received a presentation on the indissoluble link between the Craft and Royal Arch by WBro/Ecomp Rob Whitlow. This is a fantastic presentation and one not to be missed.

Following this the brethren gave their attention to the Area Asst. Charity Steward, WBro Russ Perks. Russ explained about the current 2026 Festival which East Lancashire is in, and he shared some jawdopping numbers on how many donations good caused in our area have received. WBro Chris Henthorn also followed up with an impact story on how local charity Power2 have received over £30,000 in donations from the MCF.

After the meeting the team were invited to the social board where all the visiting brethren were made to feel very welcome. Visiting other lodges is one of the most rewarding activities a freemason can do and I would highly recommend a visit to Stanley Lodge in particular.

To our next merry meeting!


Area Visit to Stanley Lodge 2917