Langley Lodge meets at the Middleton Masonic Hall, Manchester Road, Middleton, on the first Thursday of October, November, December, January, March, April, and May. We start at 6:15pm prompt. Our Installation is on the first Saturday after the first Thursday in February starting at 3pm. Our business meeting and junior practice night are on the third Tuesday of the month and our main practice night is on the following Monday, all at 7pm.
Langley Lodge was founded on the 7th February 1920 and our centenary meeting took place in March of 2020. Langley Lodge originally met at the Assheton Arms Middleton, before moving to the Pavilion, a building which was originally on our present site. Langley Lodge was founded by 19 masons mainly from Imperial George Lodge no 78, and named after Archbishop Langley, in the 1300’s one of the most powerful men in the country. Permission to use his name and coat of arms was granted by one of his ancestors in September of 1919.
We are a medium size Lodge and still growing. Our members are a mixture of retired and working men from a wide variety of occupations and businesses and ethnic and religious back grounds. We describe ourselves as a Happy Lodge. We have a very good competitive relationship with our mother lodge Imperial George and support each other’s lodges and social events throughout the year.
We believe we provide a warm welcome to all visitors to Langley and within the lodge we try to provide a supportive atmosphere for all our brethren at practice nights and social events.
We try to involve all our members in ceremonies regardless of ability and to increase their confidence within the lodge room. Our older brethren, who have a wealth of knowledge, actively assist the younger brethren in the work of our lodge. We have hard working mentors and expect every member of the lodge to be a mentor.
Our social board, although disciplined, is usually a fun event with raffles, auctions, even outside entertainers on occasions, designed to raise money for charities in the area. We actively encourage visitors and past members and even non masons to our social boards from the local area and further afield. We also have an in-house choir at our installation. We have plans to further improve our lodge and make it more interesting to outsiders and members.